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Story Lab 6, Modernism

The Story moving in place; adjusting to change

6. Story Moves from One Place to Another. The removal from one place and origins to a new place and reality. Breakdown of the old, making of the new: Post-modernism. Creating a new story: The confluence of cultures and stories. The metapor of the body updated and transformed by technology; the microscopic meets the far terrestrial in simultaneity. {Back to Story Lab "stuff"}

The Text

Introductory Remarks

Inevitably, the waves of change simply destroy or at least sweep-asside those still clinging to the old story (the reactionary response; or rather lack there-of). And those that embrace the "new story" -- the story as transforming way, the hero's journey, etc. They are saved by the story and progress onward, and in the end struggle forward -- and yet survive. Thus, the need for radical change (or not). Thus, 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc.