[Realism Now!] [Perf Art MAIN page]
The Performance Art/ Technology
See also: [(art) concepts]
[Art MovementsPerformed Text]
[Dadaism] (an art "ism")
[Performance frank: Realism Now!]
[Street Art]
[Interventionist Art]
[T.A.Z.] (Association for Ontological Anarchy)
(Hakim Bey, chief janitor)
[Frank's stuff]
[Sampler: Art X Science]
The Performance Art / Technology
On this page: {Intro}
text messaging, instant messaging, and jargon...
{The Two Cultures}
The idea of merging the Arts and Technology (at least as i have been
trained to understand it) takes into account the ideas that originated
from the investigation as to what the various creative differeneces
are in the scientific and artistic endeavors.
The physicist/author Lilian Lieber (who studied with Albert Einstein)
wrote several books for explaining scinece to the lay public. Chief
among these was her "The Educuation of T.C. Mits" - where "T.C. Mits"
is in fact "The Celebrated Man In The Street" - of everyman, everywoman,
everynether, everychild, everydolphin, etc.
She had the idea of a unified approach to science and art in what she
called "SAM": Science, Art, Maths. A triad that she unified by using
a model of the platonic regular solids and different levels of
abstraction. Part of this succes was not just her brilliance as a
physicist, but i would like to think the fact that she was married
to Hugh Lieber who was an abstract artist.
If there was ever a person (other than in classical times; eg,
DaVinci, Goethe, etc - when it was not only possible but desirable
to learn all about our world) that embodied the Aristotelian unities
of mind and body it was certainly that grand old lady of physics.
I feel (as i do often with certain authors) as if i knew her personally
(other than Asimov), i never had the opportunity to correspond with
any of "the great writers" - that is the people who actually create
ideas. That has always been much of my world, as i have often said,
"If in the mind you dewell, there-in you will find a world."
Regardless, but what ever odd quirks of fate and such, i find myself
once again on the same path that i started on many, many years ago
-- but, this time "on the other side of the fence"; ie, an artist
rather than a scientist, a poet rather than a scholar. And yet oddly
enough (mostly due to the pressures of being raised during the
"cold war") that was what i strived most for: Recognition, Genius,
The Great Discovery, The Nobel Prize, and such. Of course, all of
that time (and still), i simply lack the hardware to do it - the
old 3-pound comptuer access port (CAP) is rated at an IQ of 142
which is pleasing numerically, but just frustratingly dull enough
to keep many things that i can *almost* understand out of my
reach, and of course the "great discoveries" will never come.
But, on i go: Tryng - in what the philosopher/writer Jean-Paul Sartre
called "in good faith" - to understand and bring some new ideas to
the thing called liff.
Basic Concepts
From one POV (point of view) the two methods of approaching
things from the art and the technological (rational/emotional,
right-/left-brain, etc) seem frought with problems and indeed
they are.
In one sense, the mathematical approach tends to lead to only
one possible answer for a given problem - or at the very least,
a definite set of answers with the confines of the problem. In
the artistic sense the number of possible answers are literally
infinite. Thus, the dynamics of not only what approaches to take
to solve a problem - but the very nature of the problems to "solve"
are radically different.
Let's look at something like the texture to be created in a video
game or a V/R (vitual/reality) environment for a rock or something.
Now on the one hand the "look and feel" of the game is pretty much
everything. So, a rock that doesn't look like a rock - or worse yet
it looks *exactly* the rock in Scene 23. From an art point of view,
we know hot to make rocks look the same or different. If we needed
exactly the same rocks we'd make a cast moulding of one rock and
then mass produce them - pretty much the old "allographic" problem
in printmaking. Of coures only the original rock is the "autographic"
Now, this is important since this is exactly one of the problems
that DOESN'T occur in the TECH world.
That is: The way that the same object (a rock, a grain of rice
on a stalk, even a picture of Marylin Monroe) are presented and
whether they are the same or not has a different aesthetic value
in the two domains.
If an artist works for several months to create as many rice stalks
as possible for a "field of rice" display then *ideeally* all of the
grains of rice WOULD be identical. In some cases, the artist might
choose to purchase two or three hundred objects of identical form.
But, in the case of the TECH world, we all know the real world is
non-uniform or repetitive (for the most part) and as such, each of
the "rocks" should be different and hence more real.
The art work depends on the fact that it is installed into a gallery
and thus, can in no way be real and the fact that the rice stalks
are all but identical is NOT the point. But, in the immersive world
of V/R the fact that things are not arranged into patterns IS the
This problem is similar to the problem of painting vs photography.
As the printmaker/photographer Karen Davenport who has said:
In painting, you start with nothing and have to add
everythig. In photography, you start with everything
and have to take away everything.
That is the two directions (and indeed the two starting points)
are at odds with each other.
The time has come to speak of many
things of cabages and kings.
-- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
(or so i recall the Carpenter saying)
Instant Messaging, Text Messaging, and the like
- Jargon should be handled separately, methinks.
Argggh, reef the mainsail and trim the the balast.
This is section is to be read as being NEITHER an
attack on language variants (such as the notorious
evil tongue known as "Ebonics") nor as a defence
and appolologie of "The King's English").
First we state as read: Whose language is it anyway?
I have almost never heard the King's English spoken
in any thing other than print - and carefully edited
print i would suppose; albeit some practictioners such
as Edwin Newman (newscaster/author "Strictly Speaking")
who apparently (as with many professors of language
or linguistics in general) have a natural fluency in
language and its exact application.
And we take it as further read that for the most part
we all use a familiar and less formal version of our
language - regardless of which one is it. Consider:
Student A: Whadjuh get?
Student B: A "c".
Now consider intonation:
Student A: ..(disgruntled) Whad T'JU get?
Student B: ..(happily suprised) A "c" !!!!!
All that need be said has been said by the use of
human vocalisation patterns that we as native spearkers
acquire almost effortlessly.
Now. Text messaging.
Bane or boon?
First a rather classical discussion of the "codes"
that we use in language - both informal and formal.
Excerpts are from Jane Healy's "Endangered Minds -
Why our children can't think."
-[Complex speech]- (in literature directory)
We may take as read that we know *several* different
sets of codes:
a public set based on our culture,
immediate enviroment and community
a public, but different set that we
use when we go to a store that we
frequent, the clothes cleaners, or
that sort of thing
a technical set based on our profession,
very crypic and often called "jargon"
and of course a set of very private
codes that we and our close friends
or family use.
And of course each of these is dependent on the
CONTEXT within which they are spoken. Just a seconds
thought is required as to how difficult it is to take
DATA in one context and "translate" it for another.
The checker at the food store is a long time
acquintence, but when i try to describe a new
art project the time involved simply is longer
than the "access window" that i have while
checking out. On the other hand, one of the
stockers (a quite burly woman who is also a
welder) has no trouble visualising my descriptions
of installation pieces.
Same locale; but different contexts.
Thus, we do speak with many "tongues".
The point here is also, to note that the appropriate
use of language, its codes, level of complexity, etc
are totally tied into the "verbal" setting that we
are trying to accomplish.
Thus, one can take text messaging to this stage:
SCENE: Students Ariana, Beth, and Chandra (A, B, C)
are all taking Professor Rinder's class in
Relativity phyics.
Via text messaging:
A: Yes, but that would mean the mass must
increase as well. And of course the
tidal forces would tear it appart.
B: Not if it's degenerate.
C: Yes, but then Hawking radiation wouldn't
be an issue.
What is the "audience" to think of that?
Hopefully: Stirs some thinking, n'est pas?
--franklin twine - gotta get back to the dreaded
readings for class ;(
(isn't it amazing where a little thinking will take you!?)
The Two Cultures
The Conflicts
-[Discourse from UH.edu]-
-[Science Policy colorado.edu]-
In 1988, Alan Sokal et al published papers as part of a hoax
to illustrate how poorly edited/reviewed humanities journals
were - thus, re-opening the old wound of "us vs. them" in
the sciences vs the humanities.
-[Humaniteis hoax by Alan Sokal]-
Mish mash links...