[Back o Linean Zeut Raum Conveyor] [^^Time LINE conveyor]Phylum Priapula
(16 known species) See also: -[Nemertea]- (proboscis worms) [Art History (index)] [TIME LINE] (brought to you by Acme Time Conveyor Products)Phylum Priapula
(16 know species) According to Campbell and Reece: Priapulans are worms with a large, rounded prodoscis at the anterior end. They are named after Priapos, the greek god of fertility who was symbolised by a giant penis. [7th edition, P. 642] Ranging from: 0.5mm to 20 cm. Fossil evidence indicates that they were important preditors during the Cambrian Period (570 - 510 Myr-ago]f [LocCit.] Note that un-like their (distant?) cousins the Nemertea, priopulans are deep-sea dwelling. Note that the citizens of Alexandria to showed their independence of both the Greeks and Romans by featuring a block-long penis in a parade which was supposedly to honor a visting government official. And of course with the spread of Viagra and such, the term "priapsis" - an erection lasting longer than 4 hours is printed on the box. Is there ANY sensibilites to these "humans"? I (while not officially speaking for the galactic central council) often wonder in sadness. Also, don't forget to pop in and say 'hi' to the [Loriciferans]- while you're down there.The Usual Suspects