AEGEAN: [Cyclades] [Crete] [Minoan] [Mycenaean]
See also: [Art Periods]
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On this page: {The Usual Suspects} (civilisations)
Note all "dates" are approx (ca. = circa (Latin, "about, nearly"))
Source: Stokstad, Chapter on "Aegean Art".
Data on Eastern Earth (India, China, Korea, Japan, etc)
Source: Lee, PP. 12-13 (diagram), Pp. 14-15 (table)
REF: Stokstad, Marily (2002). Art History - 2nd Edition, Volume 1.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc, Publishers,
ISBN 0.8109.0610.4, LCCN N'5300.S923'2001
Lee, Sherman E (nd. ~1963). A History of Far Eastern Art.
Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, New York.
Printed in West Germany, bound in Holland.
1450bce (Thera explosion)
3000 bce 2000bce 1000bce
Aegean Bronze Age - 3000bce
Indian Bronze Age - 2700bce Indus Valley, Harapa, Mohenjo Daro, Chanhu Daro
Chinese Bronze Age - 1700bce
Cambodian Bronze Age - 350bec
Indonesian & Javaian Bronze Age - 300bce
Korean Bronze Age - 200bce
Japanese Bronze Age - 0 to 50cd
Note *apparently* the neolithic migration proceeded int the same order,
of about 500 years or so.
The Usual Suspects
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