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On this page: {Intro}
{The Usual Suspects} (art thingies)
The so-called Cycladid Islands consist of about 20 islands
off of the South-East coast of Greece in the Mediteranina/Aegean
sea. The islands are primarily identified by things found there
and include the following islands (listed North to South) and
listed after it are key finds.
Syros - "the frying pan"
Keros - "figure of a woman", "Seated harp player"
Thera (and the site known as Akrotiri)
Again it is important to remember the "Theran Hypothesis" that
about 1450bce an island volcano on Thera exploded. There is
ancilliary evidence from ground extracts from Ireland and
California (among others?) that the date of the explosion
could be as early as 1630-1620bce. This introduces a slew
of about 200 years into dating of *any* artifacts in the
region. The only recourse is if there are artifacts that
were traded with (eg) the Egyptian Empires of the Middle
and New Kingdoms; thus ranging from the 12th down to the
18th dynasties. In such cases, the objects *may* have some
documentation in the more accurately dated Egyptian histories.
According to The Saskatchwean Museum of Antiquities,
The sculpture produced by the artisans of the
Cyclades islands was very unique compared to
the art being produced by the Egyptians and
Mesopotamians. These sculptures, commonly
called Cycladic idols, were often used as
grave offerings, which points to the obvious
role of religion in society. All of the idols
were made of Parian marble.
-[Downloaded 2008.01.31 at 8:11 pct]-
As well the Cycladic Museum in Greece offers this:
Images are well-known in Art History, and these are
primarily downloaded from the Cycladic Museum in Greece
(alt text is from the same site)
Seated Figurine. The man, with elongated head and
long, relief nose (which is now chipped away) recalls
the folded-arm type of female figurines from the
same period. The statuette (15 cm high) is entirely
carved out of a single piece of marble: the daring
protrusion of the right arm, the man's entirely
separated legs and the realistic rendering of the
stool are good indications on an artist confident
in his [sic] skills. 2800-2300 BCE, White marble,
Catalog number Col. No 286,
And one of the most common found artifacts....
Female Figure. Stanidng at 1.40 m, this masterpiece
of Cycladic sculpture may qualify as a statue.
It follows the standard type, with the arms folded
over the abdomen and the long feet, soles slopping
downwards. It is because of the latter feature that
some scholars assume that the figurines were meant
to be reclining rather than standing.
The only difference between this large statue and
its [sic] smaller 'sisters' is that the figures
ears are rendered in relief, as two curved crescents
along the elongated head. 2800-2300 BCE, white
marble, Catalog # Col. No. 724.
This image is similar to that as the one in Stokstad; which
she gives with a height of 63.4 cm.
The text on the museum site is interesting as well:
The majority of Cycladic Figurines show women,
nude with the arms folded over the belly. We
do not know whether they were meant to show
mortals or deities, or even whether the
Islanders venerated a number of deities, like
the later-period Greeks, or simply worshipped
one "Mother Goddess". In this case, the figurines
may have been conceived as representations of
the Goddess, or companions to her.
As Stokstad points out:
The Cyclades, especially the islands of Naxos
and Paros, had ample supplies of a find and
durable white marble. ... These figures are
often found lying on graves.
To shape the stone, sculptors used scrapers
and chisels made from obsidain from the
island of Melos and polishing stones of
emery from Naxos. The introduction of
metal tools may have made it possible
for them to carve on a larger scale, but
perhaps because the stone fractured so
easily, they contnued to limit themselves
to simplified sculptural forms.
[Stokstad, P. 132]
REF: Stokstad, Marily (2002). Art History - 2nd Edition, Volume 1.
Harry N. Abrams, Inc, Publishers,
ISBN 0.8109.0610.4, LCCN N'5300.S923'2001
The Usual Suspects
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-[Saskatchewan Museum of Antiquities]-
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