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On this page: {The 4 priniciples of Ultraism} (Borges)
See also: {Parallels to Imagism}
The 4 Principles of Ultraism
Extracted from Ronald J. Christ's "The Narrow Act: Borges' Art of Allusion,
"A more precise definitin of the techniques and
principles of Ultraism yields a still more precise
clue to the continuing pre-occupation of the Borges'
art. In one of his earliest articles, Borges sez:
Schematicized, the present position of Ultraism can be
summed up in the following principles:
1. Reduction of the lyric to its primordial element:
The Metaphor.
2. Deletion of intervening sentences, of transitions, and
useless adjectives.
3. Abolition of ornamental device, confessionalism,
circumstatiation, exhortations and studied
4. Synthesis of two or more images in one, which will
thus increase the images's power of suggestion.
FROM: "Ultraísmo", Nostros, P. 468.
"Ultraism [continues Ronald Christ], of course, had much
in common with many movements of the time -- Vorticism],
for example -- but the Argentinian, transplated variety
of Ultraism, as Bortes subsequently made clear, developed
differently from the Spanish stock. The Spanish writers,
borrowing their name from the magazine Ultra, where
many of their works were published, emphasized the notion of
in the chronological and geographical sense --
going beyond the established boundaries, so that Rafael
Cansinos Asséns defined the parent movement in the following
Ultraism is an exuberant determination which exceeds all
scholastic limits. It is an orientation toward continuous
and re-iterated evolutions, a proposal for perennial
literary youth, an a priori acceptance of
every new idea. It represents the responsibility to go
forward with the times.
[Ronald Christ continues] Borges in contrast, defined the
Ultraism of Argentina as seeking not merely the modern or new,
but the eternal:
The ultraism of Seville and Madrid was a resolution for
renewal, it was the resolve of girding aesthetic time in
a new cycle [NB], it was a lyric written, as it were, with
florid capital letters on the leaves of the calendar, a
lyric whose most eminent emblems -- the airplane, antennas,
and propellors -- are spokesman for a chronological present.
The Ultraism of Buenos Aires was the yearning to obtain an
absolute art which would not depend on the un-faithful
prestige of the authors and which would last in the continuity
of the language as a guarantee of beauty.
Beneath the energetic clarity of lamps, the names of Huidobro
and Apollinaire
(emphasis mine)