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Poetry for the Dead
The Ambulence Ride
Original written during winter residency 2007/2008.
....(PROBABLY CUT THIS and go directly into it)....
...(enters an olde' man; tips hat and then exits)
...MUSIC OVER: John Cage #74...
VOICE OVER: Now at last if i have (for this show
MUSIC OVER: John Cage #74...
VOICE OVER: Now at last .. if .. i .. have ... (sigh) .. of....
...(sign flashes inter-mitently)...
... 1 / 1 ....
VOICE OVER: two of four. two of four (quickly) two of four....
...(mumbles, counting slowly, but "randomly")...
...(slightly soto voice; at time *actually* distinct)...
...(avoid mostly Yono's "Number Nine, Number Nine"; if poss)...
...(HORN section over-lays violin section)....
VOICE OVER: and i *would* ask each of you to well
look aftre my chilren.
...(alternates of pictures of children in war/poverty/etc)...
...(music again dominates)....
VOICE OVER: ...(slightly slurringly)...
here it is: H-J-N-O ...(v. slight pause)... cage
...(sign again flashes inter-mitently)l..
... 2 / 2 ....
VOICE OVER: five of five... on the ninth.
...(soto voice over; interrupting)...
nine ...pauses...
...(v soto)... clears throat (snicks lips slightly)...
...(ie: almost a sub-gutteral voice, with as soft a
whisper tonality as possible)....
...(picture of crying WHITE baby)....
...(flash of BORGES LIBRARY photo)....
...(john cage 00:06 - 00:20;
looped with "snap" sound of the
playback head moving to beg of track
)... (repeats about 3 - 5 8? 10? times)
... (clear, distinct voice)
and YES ...(cuts the final 's' quite short)...
...(sound intrudes: 1:17 ..
then SNAPS to 0:56...
but then this track jumps less and less
volume down as we go thru the 3rd or 5th ?
...(almost a deathly whisper)...
...(semi audible, and distinct, but again the dry
lip smacking voice as if the dust of ages)...
(smack snick)
...(sound track is 2:50 and from that silence to the horns again)...
been practising.....
mouth sivs....
my clarionette
clario net...
4:29 (hard stop, fraction of silence)....
r. strauss 0:01 (ie, NOT silence)... thru ... 0:12 (ie, NOT the horns)...
fade to black
roll credits....
..... and YES !!!! i have been praciSin^^g my mouthisbs of my clarionetteee...
mouth is (v. soft s) bbbs.. (almost like psst!-less "psst")...
eee oh (but v. soto "ooh")
this is *imposbbleljoifasodoalskdfjlskdfj" - fin.
The Rain of Death
v. v. tired.
must sleep.
btw: THANK zarquon (or whom- / what- ever) for theie student
discount on Sony Vegas; it was tough enough scrounging
toe gether the $70 for a legit copy that won't go
"poof" after 30 days....
onward... of course: HOW the phot do i get PAID for these
things? not that i *really* need money.
after all:
you only NEED oxygen,
the rest is net-gotiatie ible (ibble....).
peace to all ...
not grist
and DONT LET THEM MAKE US *****************ever* into "JuST news" - bil-line to share....
t aboput leeting messican over the beruders!!!
-- whozzzz beurderanti are they any whey.
(mix then the bitter'd milk....
and *(still to janeresiki8n fleurenen-t
darpa net me thingks. of theo's where am i to stand on the interperetation of my fiedn'rsiher's ideas T'hat
god and world are one
well... there you go again....
peace to all.
franik. -minus 'ego' . . . . ; whey?
bolix .. administer tertra cycline i/v 3- [erg ,g'k ,gdu'wg////
...(rolls to floor)...