American History (1900-2000)
The American Century (1900 - 2000)
The B.I.S. -- A dark day for America
To the HISTORY books
The B.I.S. -- A dark day for America
[Excerpts from the book]
[Note: There is a book on insider trading on
Wall Street (by by Nicholas W. Maier)
with the same title; It's excellent as well!)
At the end of World War I, there was established the
so-called "Bank of International Settlements" --
the "B.I.S" (and much of what follows will remind
many readers of the more recent events of the
Iran-Contra and other banks, which just goes to show
you (like Ecclesiastes said, so many years ago:
There is nothing new under the sun.
The more things change,
the more they remain the same.
The idea was that there should be established a
bank into which Germany could deposit moneies
to be paid to the allies to repay its "war debt".
One author (C.E. Black and E.C. Helmreich in
the monumental: Twentieth Century Europe), it
would have taken (under the original re-payment
plans until 1970 for Germany to repay the debts
from World War I. (The astute student of history,
will recall, that for the most part the so-called
"Great War" was fought over territory -- Germany
was definitely losing out on the "colonial"
possessions front, this plus the "usual European"
jealousies) led to the last "classical" world
war -- so far).
Needless to say, once the BIS was established
it proved more and more valuable for anti-semetic
activity in countries all around the world.
The BIS was presided over by a board of governors
from America, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Great
Britain -- don't worry, there is more than
enough blame to go around! For the most
part, what we see here is not about national
pride, or what was or was not official governmental
policy. What we have here is our old friend
Long out of print, our friends at Barnes and
Nobel have again begun to re-publish the great
historical works of the 20th century, including
the work that brings us to our current essay:
Trading With the Enemy - The Nazi-American
Money Plot 1933-1949
by Charles Higham
I have spent the past 25 years piecing together
this story, corresponding with many historians,
writers, and spending endless time in many a
dusty old book (such as the previously quoted
book!). And here it is the truth, as impasionately
told as can be, about this dark page in both
American and British history.
Davis Oil (here in Texas) was at one point
selling more to Nazi Germany than was being
produced for American usage.
Several American plastics companies were
exporting more artificial rubber and natural
rubber (from their holdings in Brazil) to Germany
than was being sold to the Allies.
In order to placate Japan, scrap metal was continually
sold to them up until the moment of Pearl Harbor.
Chase Bank of New York (under the very nose
of Nelson Rockerfeller) continued to "hold
Nazi accounts" -- into which were placed monies
by Nazi-sympathizers in America. These funds
were used then funneled through many countries,
finally ending up in the French-held Chase
Bank (which of course was under German control).
Henry Ford (and later, Edsel Ford) suppied
jeeps to Nazi Germany -- it will be recalled that
Henry Ford (always, a long-term Jew hater) had
had published a massive work in several volumes:
The International Jewish Conspiracy
(which I have stated before, not only indicated
how much control the Jews had over everything,
but how they (apparently) were the cause of
the depression. Of course, ever "good"
entrepeneur (Jewish or not) made good money off
of World War I, and many (even Jewish held
banks!) saw an opportunity to invest in Germany
-- even through the middle of the second world
(On a personal note, my "obsession" with the
betrayal by Henry Ford is from dis-illusionment
of my boy-hood emulation of Ford as an inventor,
and "this" inventor has never been able to
forgive him. Only perhaps to understand, and
then maybe, someday ...)
Finally, the absurd was the involvement of
Standard Oil which helped to supply the
very jet-refined fuel that was necessary
for the Nazi V2 rockets that were used
to bomb England.
But, of course, both of the Government's
of America and Great Britain knew this (to a
certain extent) -- and did nothing.
For such is the "strange business" of
politics. Rather than cut off their own
noses to spite their faces, they had to
placate the Satans of Industry -- lest the
Devil catch them and expose the folly of it
But, do not think that this battle was not fought
by both brave and resilient men who sought to
expose and end these travesties -- however,
many a predjudiced (or simply opportunisitc)
entrepeneur and politician fought equally
hard to continue the status quo -- after all,
there were many hoping that Hitler would win.
Both here, and of course in Germany.
And of course, there were (fortunately)
many who fought to end the "vision" of Hitler.
Both here, and of course in Germany.
But, we all know that story: The bomb that
was planted by his own generals, the failed
attempt, the quick and ruthless extermination
of any (and many) who were or were at least
thought to be involved.
But, of course -- all of those that were
involved are laid to rest in the pages
of history....
Well, at least Mercedes-Benz finally did
(in the '90's) pay some monies to the
surviors of the "slaves" who built their
cars during the war.
Well, it's a start. For you see (and you
can quote me on this):
Those who think that they can
control history, are doomed to
become only trivia.
To hunch-backed, old scholars who peer many
a day over dusty old tomes of faded text....
Excerpts from the book:
Also, even on the official BIS page, they are
careful to mention any history of their
activities during the War -- I have often
found this to be the case in certain German
books on history. They will come up to about
1933, and then with a single sentence say,
and then the war happened. And then in 1945.... -- history page
They seem completely above board now;
nice looking web-page.
An interesting link that came up whilest searching
for more info on the BIS:
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