See also: [Primitivis]
[Vincent Van Gogh]
[Jacques Villon]
SEE esp: -[Montmartre]- (under construction)
[Montmartre] (A/H entry)
[Pont Aven] (art school)
[The Little Man at Oxford (a play)
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (b.1864.11.24, Abblti, Tarn (near?);
d.1901.09.09, Chateau de Malrome,
near Langon, Gironde)
aka "Henri-Marie-Raymond de Toulouse-Latrec Montfa" (a long name, for a short man)
When young, a genetic defect manifested itself, and arrested
his growth; he would (as is only PROPER in proper society)
be castigated as "that dwarf". How tortured must have been
his life; and from the flames the phoenix arrise, to be
re-bourne. What is often nelected is that in order to be
re-born, you (the phoenix) had to die. They always forget
*that* don't they? Ahhh! the pain of this world is to
much to be bourne forever!!! I can not stand it, I can not
go on. (and then) i remember the words of Samuel Beckett
"I can't go on. (and then with quiet, *determination*)
I will go on."
nite all, v. tiered.
"On November 1926, the Parisian magazine "L'Amour de l'Art"
carried an indignant article by the critic Georges Duthuit
[Ref: "Explosive Acts: Toulouse-Lautrec, Oscar Wilde, Felix Feneon,
and the Art & Anarcy of the Fin de Siecle",
David Sweetman; ISBN 0-684-81179-0]
Ref to: [Van Gogh in Paris]
Possibly at MontMarche at the same time as Satie?
1886-1887- Van Gogh at Paris
[Van Gogh at Pere Tanguy's]
Important Works
-[National Gallery exhibit]-