See also: [Art Movements] [THE PARIS PROJECT]Stuff
One of my favorite stories that i've collected while on this, my own personal journey through the land of art, quest is that briefly Van Gogh worked for the prestidgeous Guptil art gallery in Paris from which he was later fired. Well, that's a start at least - ONWARD! Or as "FireSign Theatre" was want to say "Forward into the past" (sound of grand father clock and nunchucks)... what *have* i sacrificed for this???? My children are adrift in a sea of materialism, comfort and wealth. My family thinks me mad. And to all of this add my constant dreams and nightmares about the war, our wondrous world and all that is so possible and denied to so many. The fountainous beauties that i feel and sense, and hear and see -- all of this fanatastically enticising sur-real land scape, odd friends to meet on the infinity plane, and the music!! the colours beyound the visible the intricacies only visible thru the calculus of variations and and and and and and and and and and and.... START AGAIN must be going to rain today, the gout in my left foot and right hand are tres severee'. ... and i wanted to continue practicsing my Hinidi scripts...The Usual Suspects
Vincen Van Gogh Mary Cassatt Edouard Manet] Claude Monet Berthe Morisot AND THOSE SKALIWAGS! OH I TELL YOU!!!! ;) Edgar Degas Edouard Manet