Art as Game: Game Theorectic Examples
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Note links to Common-Sense Nihilist Party, {here}
Art as Game: Game Theorectic Examples
On this page: {Intro}
{Artist as Producer}
{WorkShop W/S}
{Art Factory}
{Game models}
{Zero Sum}
{Non Zero Sum}
{The Product Upgrade "game"}
{The Product Upgrade "game"}
Artist as Producer
We take as read that this exmample/model covers
such things as the "Works Progress Administation"
artist's league during World War II.
In the case of large scale projects, we see that
given that many of the artists can do any of the
tasks (going back to Larry Niven's "PAK" human
evolution idea - eventually we evolve into a
genius/can-do-anything species) - we take as
read that for large scale projects (eg, building
a space explorer probe) - that the distribution
of work can fall into areas of:
1) The artist is the only one that can do this.
2) A group of artists will be best at doing this.
3) A group of artists can do this (or these) task(s).
4) Any of the artists in this (larger) group can do this.
Large sculptures usually fall (neatly) into this
WorkShop W/S
Workshops are (usually) of two forms:
1) A practice-specific workshop; eg, paper making,
specific glaze techniques, cubist studies, etc.
2) The visiting professor. A professor is brought
in to display/teach their technique(s) and working
methods. High-speed lithography, cast/model making,
spray gun techniques, kiln building, etc.
In these cases, clearly the competition for special
equipment or the visiting professor's time may turn
this into a non-zero-sum game (and unfortunately,
often does). Only by removing ourselves from the
imprint of time, does a fairly (and fair) even
distribution of attention occur. Odd that humans
play the "the runt pig starves to death" model
so often. Hmmm, this too i think doesn't impress
the galactic central council very much.
Art Factory
See also: -[Andy Warhol's concepts of]-
While Warhol created the modern version of the art
factory, we know that many of the masters (especially
in the case of large, commissioned works) during the
renaissance used this idea as well.
??need to do research on this???
alas, time is finite. (even WITH a duck)
An engineering model of an artist:
==== INPUTS ====
other artists ---> artist ---> art
events |
^ v
personal B/G | |
^ +---<---------+
=== FEEDBACK: Critiques, reviews, sales, etc.
Zero Sum
Recall that in a "zero sum game", what
ever one side wins, the other loses and
vice versa. Note that "Candy on a table
- everyone grab one!" is and example of
In the art market place, this is probably
a fairly realistic model - it assumes that
there is a fixed amount of money to be spent
by the public (or corporations) for art work.
And if artist A gets a commission, then that
money is gone and may deprive artist B of any
work and/or money to pay the rent with. Thus,
if B dies (or leaves the city, or retires to
take up a job selling appliances at the local
super-store "WallyWorld") then this (in theory)
benefits A.
Of course, this goes back to "trendiness" and
"well-known-ness" as art-market variables.
Non Zero Sum
In the excellent book, "Non Zero", ??author??
relates severeal experiments that were done with
computers using various strategies in competing
in a common "game space". The more successful
game programs were allowed to duplicate, while
less successful ones were allowed to die off.
One would think that aggressive, zero-sum programs
would win, but in this case they tended to destroy
each other (nuclear wars?) and other programs were
able to survive.
The best over-all strategy was one called
"tit for tat", which based its moves on
its previous encounters with other programs.
If the other program tended to attack, this
time the TFT program would attack. If the
other program tended to barter, the TFT would
barter, etc.
The book, Non Zero, is an approach to human
history, which the author confers his theory
that co-operative Non-Zero-Sum game stategies
throughout history have advanced human civilisation
the most - hence arriving at our present "highly
civilised state" - if one can consider a planet
serious on the edge of extinction, with rogue
nations feeling free to attack covertly other
nations for religious/philosophical/market-driven
reasons "highly civilised" - i don't think the
galactic central council would agree.
An excellent book, even though the author (in
attempting to use NZS game theory on living
systems and having to deal with Stephen J.
Gould - look, he's just this guy ok? So, just
say, i think that Gould is wrong on this and
GO on!), again goes for the "GRAND UNIFICATION"
Theory (GUTS) as does sub-atomic physics, etc.
Regardless, we would nominally say that as far
as artists are concerned, they (for the most part)
operate on a non-zero-sum basis (if i help you
that doesn't necessarily hurt me) - which is the
co-operative data model again. And despite "cliques"
this tends to be the case. Cliques usually forming
around, very up-scale representative work and the
artists/consumers involved, and then other groups
of abstract artists, etc. That is, mostly the
"primordial soup" model of art.
In the series of books by Hugh Lofting (rivaled
only by the "Wizard of Oz" books by Frank L.
Baum) are way better than the movies in either
case. Regardless, in (as i recall, "The Voyages
of Dr. Doolitle") they encounter the two-headed
llama-like animal: The Push-me-Pull-you. And as
with the rare events in the animal world of
two-headed creatures, it usually turns out that
one head is *dominant*. But, in general these
kinds of creatures do NOT survive well in the
one-headed "grab all the candy you can get"
world in which we find ourselves.
However, this model is reflected rather well in
the work shop and the art factory examples in
the art world. And similarly in laboratory work
in the science world, etc. If we assume that
each person (or team) is working on an independent
(or at least intra-dependent) thing, then there
should be no dis-advantage to co-operation. The
only limiting factor MIGHT be time.
In the case of the workshop, taking time from
your own work to help someone else, will usually
devolve to the ZS-game model. In the case of the
LAB ASSISTANT it is their "sacrifice" that prevents
this from happening. But, again, we see this as
everyone is a producer in the workshop. Consmption
comes later during the critique (which can or not
be in the competitive model) as well as post-WS
In the case of team work - sub-dividing tasks so
that they can proceed in parallel. We are most
obviously back to the FILM PRODUCTION example.
Alternatively, this is of course the same model
as the LAB ASSISTANT model with multiple assitants
and is seen in the GALLERY INSTALATION and
PACKING FOR SHIPMENT, etc. examples.
The Product Upgrade "game"
For this example, the players will be a company (USER)
considering the choice of a new internal e-mail or
intranet system, and a supplier who is considering
producing it.
The two choices are to install a technically advanced or
a more proven system with less functionality. We'll assume
that the more advanced system really does supply a lot more
functionality, so that the payoffs to the two players, net
of the user's payment to the supplier, are:
Advanced Proven
Advanced 20,20 0,0
Proven 0,0 5,5
We see that both players can be better off, on net, if an
advanced system is installed. (We are not claiming that
that's always the case! We're just assuming it is in this
particular decision). But the worst that can happen is
for one player to commit to an advance system while the
other player stays with the proven one. In that case
there is no deal, and no payoffs for anyone. The problem
is that the supplier and the user must have a compatible
standard, in order to work together, and since the choice
of a standard is a strategic choice, their strategies
have to mesh.
Although it looks a lot like the Prisoners' Dilemma at
first glance, this is a more complicated game. We'll
take several complications in turn:
Looking at it carefully, we see that there this game
has no dominated strategies. The best strategy for
each participant depends on the strategy chosen by
the other participant. Thus, we need a new concept
of game-equilibrium, that will allow for that
complication. When there are no dominant strategies,
we often use an equilibrium conception called the
Nash Equilibrium, named after Nobel Memorial
Laureate John Nash. The Nash Equilibrium is a
pretty simple idea: we have a Nash Equilibrium if
each participant chooses the best strategy, given
the strategy chosen by the other participant.
In the example, if the user opts for the advanced
system, then it is best for the supplier to do
that too. So (Advanced, Advanced) is a Nash-equilibrium.
But, hold on here! If the user chooses the proven
system, it's best for the supplier to do that too.
There are two Nash Equilibria!
Which one will be chosen? It may seem easy enough
to opt for the advanced system which is better all
around, but if each participant believes that
the other will stick with the proven system --
being a bit of a stick in the mud, perhaps --
then it will be best for each player to choose
the proven system -- and each will be right in
assuming that the other one is a stick in the
mud! This is a danger typical of a class of games
called coordination games -- and what we have
learned is that the choice of compatible standards
is a coordination game.
We have assumed that the payoffs are known and
certain. In the real world, every strategic
decision is risky -- and a decision for the
advanced system is likely to be riskier than a
decision for the proven system. Thus, we would
have to take into account the players' subjective
attitudes toward risk, their risk aversion, to
make the example fully realistic. We won't attempt
to do that in this example, but we must keep it
in mind.
The example assumes that payoffs are measured
in money. Thus, we are not only leaving risk
aversion out of the picture, but also any other
subjective rewards and penalties that cannot be
measured in money. Economists have ways of
measuring subjective rewards in money terms --
and sometimes they work -- but, again, we are
going to skip over that problem and assume that
all rewards and penalties are measured in money
and are transferable from the user to the supplier
and vice versa.
Real choices of information systems are likely to
involve more than two players, at least in the
long run -- the user may choose among several
suppliers, and suppliers may have many customers.
That makes the coordination problem harder to solve.
Suppose, for example, that "beta" is the advanced
system and "VHS" is the proven system, and suppose
that about 90% of the market uses "VHS." Then "VHS"
may take over the market from "beta" even though
"beta" is the better system. Many economists, game
theorists and others believe this is a main reason
why certain technical standards gain dominance.
(This is being written on a Macintosh computer. Can
you think of any other possible examples like the
beta vs. VHS example?)
On the other hand, the user and the supplier don't
have to just sit back and wait to see what the
other person does -- they can sit down and talk it
out, and commit themselves to a contract. In fact,
they have to do so, because the amount of payment
from the user to the supplier -- a strategic
decision we have ignored until now -- also has to
be agreed upon.
In other words, unlike the Prisoners' Dilemma,
this is a cooperative game, not a noncooperative
game. On the one hand, that will make the problem
of coordinating standards easier, at least in the
short run. On the other hand, Cooperative games
call for a different approach to solution.
Common-Sense Nihilist Party,
Tutorial on game theory: