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Story Lab

Micro: The Para-Normal

1.s Micro: Para-Normal. NB: Please consult the following file for a treatment of the mis-application (over-extension) of both scientific/para-normal reasoning/intution/etc. [The Over-Extension of Ideas/Concepts] And, so without further transcendence, intercession, or revelation... (please pay as you exit (er, ah) as you return ;). {Back to Story Lab "stuff"}

The Text

"Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries", by Mircea Eliade (translated by Philip Mairet), (Harper-Row, New York, 1957/1961). Pp.9 BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE END BLOCK QUOTE


(this section only)
[1] {Back to the TEXT} [02] {Back to the TEXT} [03] {Back to the TEXT} [04] {Back to the TEXT} [05] {Back to the TEXT} [06] {Back to the TEXT} [07] {Back to the TEXT} [08] {Back to the TEXT} [09] {Back to the TEXT} [10] {Back to the TEXT} [11] {Back to the TEXT}