John Storrs

See also: [Sculpture] [Cubism] Excellent biog link: -[]-

John Storrs


As the author of the text on the Sculpture of the Sheldon Memorial -[here]- (Valerie Cargbberry Gallery) points out, Storrs first visited Paris in 1906, beginning his art studies. In 1912, he returne to continue those pursuits, which in the interim had taken him to various schools in the USA and Germany; the following year he gegan studying with the influential Augste Rodin. ... Ultimately, France became his expatriate home, and as a result, Storr's radical abstractins of the late 1910's had later exerted little influence on his contemporaries in the USA, where they remained largely unknown until introduced in post-humous exhibitions in the 1960's. [P. 31] However, i might go out on a limb and say that the "geometrical architecture" which he independently invented, is *probably* built on the idea of the skyscrapers - which he would have surely seen on his visits to the USA as well as the trend which was at least "in the wind"; viz, Franz Kupka and of course the Russian Construkivist schools, etc. What i think most strikes me is not his use of the sky-scraper form as such, but the inter-mixing of planes of COLOUR which were hinted at by Malevich (who continued to study them in the 2d world). These same "planes of cut colour" would surface in the 1900c with the works of Ferdinand Leger, and of course continuations of the cubist movement. For me this is an important point: The surface of an object (take a monolith or an obelesque) are just that to the sculptor and/or drawer,etc. But, on such surfaces in our real world, many things *live* on these surfaces. This re-kindles the infinite circles within circles idea that what if our whole galaxy is simply an atom in a much bigger universe. This idea again struck home, when i learned of the necessity of removng *etched* finger prints from polished metal surfaces in the restoration of one of Storr's work -[SW or WW ref]


Much more "in-the-round"and more maximal than many of his simpler, minimalist works. Whether "read" as portrait in the cubist fashion, or as intersecting planes of built-up decomposition... He (like Caulder) seemd that to suggest a fold in the surface - one captured/released the space of the di-hedral angles within (and i would add: without).


Important Works

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